(法新社北京十六日電) 中國四川省官方公布,截至今天下午四時,該省的地震已造成兩萬一千五百餘人死亡、十五萬九千餘人受傷、一萬四千餘人被埋。
神呀﹗為何會這樣呢﹖ 求你醫治所有受傷的人﹐安慰死傷的家屬﹐加速救援工作﹗我們基督徒會每天為他們禱告﹐直至情況好轉﹗求神與他們同在﹗
我也問過這個問題, 李炳光牧師似乎解答了我部份疑問, 自己也希望盡快寫它出來! [版主回覆05/18/2008 22:04:00]Yes, this morning, Rev Leung told us not to ask why but to give them a helping hand in his sermon! A good question for us to ponder. If you get the answer, share with us!!
數字還在不斷上升,多可怕.[版主回覆05/26/2008 20:52:00]五萬多人死亡﹐兩萬多人失蹤﹗很恐怖﹗
我也問過這個問題, 李炳光牧師似乎解答了我部份疑問, 自己也希望盡快寫它出來!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/18/2008 22:04:00]Yes, this morning, Rev Leung told us not to ask why but to give them a helping hand in his sermon! A good question for us to ponder. If you get the answer, share with us!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/26/2008 20:52:00]五萬多人死亡﹐兩萬多人失蹤﹗很恐怖﹗