昨天是Chung 和 Simon 的大日子﹗她的婚禮令人感動﹗祝你們建立幸福美滿的基督化家庭﹗
For the bride
For the bridesmaid
For the flower girl
For the bridegroom
For the bestman
嘩!你一個人做咁多個? 可以拎去買喎,勁靚![版主回覆02/25/2009 10:37:00]Really?? Thank you!! You are very encouraging!! Sleep well this week, I will pray for you!! Hope everything can run smoothly!
[版主回覆02/25/2009 10:37:00]Really?? Thank you!! You are very encouraging!! Sleep well this week, I will pray for you!! Hope everything can run smoothly!