2010年1月30日 星期六


Avatar was directed by the blockbuster director, James Cameron.  He directed some great films like Titanic and True Lies.  This time, it is a story written by him.  I think his ideas are so creative and innovative. 

I have not seen a 3-D movie for a long time.  I was told that 4-D movies are shown at Imax Theatre as well.  Besides having a 3-storey high large screen, you can experience the breeze and the smell of the grass too. 

It is a story about a former marine officer called Jake Sully.  He is injured badly in a war and needs to move in a wheelchair.  He is recruited by commercial corporations to join an expedition to an earth-like moon called Pandora inhabited by the Na'vis.  "An 'Avatar' is the consciousness of a human being being linked to the body of a genetically engineeered hybrid of humans and the Na'vis- Pandora's indigenous creatures." So, when Jake is sleeping, he is connected to his avatar and he can walk and run freely. 

He is lost in the forest and rescued by the Na'vi princess Neytiri.  He leads the two races into a huge battle.  We can see clearly the human weakness- greed, of human beings as they want to get the precious ore and other resources in that area and destroy the environment with guns and tanks.

I am impressed by the sound effects, the background music and the design of the woods.  I also think that this story is very creative with the idea of the Avatar programme.  When we sleep and dream, we can go everywhere freely and do whatever we like in another body.  We may even run faster and do some difficult tasks.  Well, this is very amazing and incredible. 

And the idea that you can only be united to one and the only one flying dragon sounds attractive to me too.  If the flying dragon kills you, it is meant to be yours. 

I think Grace is a good scientist with integrity but at the end she is dead.  At least Jake's life can be transferred to the Avatar!  It is still a happy ending.

2010年1月27日 星期三


最近比較忙碌, 現在才有機會數算主恩。零九年對我來說是很精彩的一年, 有喜有悲。

首先, 在年初的時候, 我們一班跳舞同學順利完成了跳舞表演,當中的排練過程也十分艱苦。真是感謝神!!

我也見證了Angela和 Chung Chung的婚禮,求主讓這兩對新人白頭偕老,永結同心!

在我十分迷失的時候, 神告訴我事奉方向, 真是奇妙呀! 我再一次回到兒童祟拜做司琴,這是我萬料不到的。感謝神給我機會事奉祂,我是甘心樂意服侍小孩子,因為他們實在太可愛了。

到了九月, 我經歷了神的醫治。我的右膝休息了一個月後已不痛, 真是感謝神的看顧, 讓我可以繼續打鼓!


在八月和十二月, 我有機會與小玉, 小貓, 小Bos和 Benjahang到青島, 山東和台灣墾丁, 青境旅遊, 真是樂而忘返!


至於新一年,我立志做個好老師,多建立同學。還有, 要分多點時間給家人!! 加油, 努力!!

2010年1月22日 星期五


這是才女彭秀慧自編自導自演的舞台劇。我很喜歡故事內容, 可能因為小山也是一位老師吧!她在劇中不斷說她想飛 (她的理想), 最後竟然與一位年老的婆婆一起跳降落傘。當時我真的很感動, 也很佩服那位婆婆,因為很怕面對離心力的我肯定没有勇氣從飛機上跳下來!!

這舞台劇令我回想我小學六年級的時候, 我的志願是當一位老師。我很慶幸自己有機會做老師, 即使畢業後受到家人的反對,我最後堅持到底,希望逹成自己的理想。 以前的我希望做一位受歡迎的老師, 但我發現無論我多努力, 也不能滿足所有同學的要求。到了現在, 我想當一位基督徒老師, 除了傳授學科上的知識外, 更希望向他們傳揚福音, 讓他們得著救恩, 得著神的愛!

另外, 這劇的主題曲也令我印象難忘:

大個要做偵探, 大個要做主播, 大個要做到總理。

大個我就選美, 大個要遇到你, 傻係呀我傻到想飛。



2010年1月19日 星期二

Green Day: 21st Century Breakdown Tour

Wow!!  The concert was a great one!  I think they did a real great job.  They sang non-stop for more than 2 hours!  Many of their fans jumped and yelled for a long long time!!  How could they be so excited for the whole night!

When they sang "21 Guns", I was stunned and I just could not express how happy I was at that time!  I love this song so much and I could listen to it in a live show!!!  They sang the chorus with a new version which was also very touching!  As I listened, I paid particular attention to their drummer's performance!!  Of course they sang lots of nice songs like "21st Century Breakdown", "Holiday", "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and "Jesus of Suburbia", "American Idiot", "The Static Age" and "Know Your Enemy" and many more!

One of the fans (a girl) went on stage and sang with them.  I could imagine how excited she was.  They like to have "stage dive" all the time, that is to jump into the ocean (crowds) of audience and land on their hands!!  Well, it's a bit dangerous!

While they were singing, suddenly all of them lay on the floor, I think it's so funny!  and they sang a few songs like "Love me Tender" and stood up again.  I knew that they were extremely exhausted at that time as they sang with all their strength!

I am not sure if I have another chance to go to their concerts in my lifetime, I  really love the feeling of attending their concert!! I think Billie Joe Armstrong is very talented and I appreciate their music!!

2010年1月1日 星期五

Sammi's concert 09 (II)

Sammi's concert 09

原來Sammi開了七次演唱會, 我看了第一次和第七次(就是這埸)。今場演唱會有快歌,慢歌, 新歌, 舊歌, 福音歌。嘉賓有Ivana, Gillian和一位星加坡的藝人。她的勁歌熱舞真的能感動觀眾,我最喜愛的"終身美麗" 竟然唱了兩次,真開心呀!!廿四味的表現也不錯呀!!
