My beloved sister asked me to read this book two days ago. It is a book for children and I find it very touching so I would like to share it with you!
You are Special -by Max Lucado
It is a story about the Wemmicks, some small wooden people. Every day, they give each other golden star stickers or grey dots stickers. The pretty and talented ones get stars while the poor and ugly ones get dots. Punchinello is only given dots all the time and he is always very upset. One day, he meets a girl called Lucia and she has neither dots nor stars. The stickers do not stay and even fall off from her.
Then Lucia leads Punchinello to see the woodcarver, Eli, the one who makes them. She sees him every day. Eli does not care how the other Wemmicks think of Punchinello because he thinks that he is special. Lucia does not have any stickers because she has decided what Eli thinks of her is more important than what the Wemmicks think of her. "The more you trust my love, the less you care about the stickers!"
A dot falls off from Punchinello's body.
You can find the text here:
After reading this story, I think I am also special in God's eyes as he created me. I learn to see Him every single day and only care about how He thinks of me. It is very important to know that He loves me wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Are you touched by this story too?