隨了蝴蝶外, 還有小動物和昆蟲, 如蜥蝪和螳螂!! 神的創造真是偉大奇妙呀!
在回程期間, 認識了一位新聞主任, 她與我討論關於攝影的問題, 如光圈, ISO, 連環快拍等。她說鏡頭最重要, 與她一夕話, 真是獲益良多!!
隨了蝴蝶外, 還有小動物和昆蟲, 如蜥蝪和螳螂!! 神的創造真是偉大奇妙呀!
在回程期間, 認識了一位新聞主任, 她與我討論關於攝影的問題, 如光圈, ISO, 連環快拍等。她說鏡頭最重要, 與她一夕話, 真是獲益良多!!
我到了大埔的鳳園參觀, 看見很多蝴蝶, 當然把握機會拍攝啦! 以下是虎斑蝶的照片! 今次我嘗試用大機, 所以兩手也十分累!! 每次也要等待很久, 蝴蝶才停下來, 有時還要追著牠們才能拍攝到一兩幅照片, 但一切也是值得的!
到了大埔墟火車站後, 可以乘小巴20C或乘的士(約$30)前往這地, 非常方便!
虎斑蝶, 我最喜歡這一幅
在暑假期間,好姊妹Audrey邀請我觀賞她的Belly Dance 表演, 我真的很佩服她, 因她要特別個人與老師上課。她也要在短時間內學習, 然後努力練習, 才有那天出色的表現。她的動作很熟練, 身材又高又窈窕, 真是很好看呀!Audrey, 加油, 努力!!
另外, 上星期我也看了Tango-A-Tierra探戈的表演, 他們來自阿根廷。這是我第一次看這類表演, 真是大開眼界。原來跳探戈時, 雙方不可以微笑, 而且表情要嚴肅! 舞者常常屈膝, 勾腳, 很好看呀!
至於我, 當然繼續跳Nicole的舞, 最近學了幾首歌, 很享受每堂跳舞課!
Black Eye Peas - Boom boom pow
My beloved sister asked me to read this book two days ago. It is a book for children and I find it very touching so I would like to share it with you!
You are Special -by Max Lucado
It is a story about the Wemmicks, some small wooden people. Every day, they give each other golden star stickers or grey dots stickers. The pretty and talented ones get stars while the poor and ugly ones get dots. Punchinello is only given dots all the time and he is always very upset. One day, he meets a girl called Lucia and she has neither dots nor stars. The stickers do not stay and even fall off from her.
Then Lucia leads Punchinello to see the woodcarver, Eli, the one who makes them. She sees him every day. Eli does not care how the other Wemmicks think of Punchinello because he thinks that he is special. Lucia does not have any stickers because she has decided what Eli thinks of her is more important than what the Wemmicks think of her. "The more you trust my love, the less you care about the stickers!"
A dot falls off from Punchinello's body.
You can find the text here:
After reading this story, I think I am also special in God's eyes as he created me. I learn to see Him every single day and only care about how He thinks of me. It is very important to know that He loves me wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Are you touched by this story too?