Well! My computer is not working very well and that's why I don't update anything in my blog! Also, I have been very busy recently because of the new school term!!
Just before the new school year, we went to a two-day day camp. During these two days, we learnt "Positive thinking"! It promotes the idea of boosting everyone's confidence and self-esteem. I was so impressed by it!
On the second day, we had to use our hand to hit a piece of wood. At that time, I was frightened as my hands are not strong enough and I was not feeling well that day. Later, I talked to myself, if I think I can, I can. So, I prayed to the Lord to give me strength to do it. I could not break it for the first time. At the end, of course I managed to break the wood with my bare hand. It's just like the trials in our daily life. We face different challenges, obstacles and difficulties every day. If we have faith in the Lord and do our best, we can eventually climb high mountains!
I also learnt how to think positively. I always have pessimistic thinking and I try to change the values in my mind. It's not an easy task but I hope I can think positively and be a cheerful person in the future.
This year, I have to face a new class and until now, I find that most of them are willing to open their hearts when I try to get to know them. It's a nice start for me! Thx God!
希望環繞你的, 都能成為你身邊可愛的小天使!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/27/2008 10:53:00]
回覆刪除當你冇期望過自己會真係打得爛塊板,準備打的時候又驚又緊張,到真係打落去O個刻都唔知發生過咩事塊板就已經爛左的時候,真係異常開心既。 唔敢講自己可以面對逆境,但天主就係咁架了,O係適當的時候會顯示自己,亦令你相信自己多一D。
諗真D,其實自己平時都唔係一個樂觀的人,你講得ARM 的,常懷希望和喜樂,相信天主常與自己一起,自己的人生可以很不一樣。
[版主回覆09/27/2008 10:51:00]
我們要一直互相扶持﹐ok? 我的好朋友﹗﹗
嗯,這樣說來,如果下一次你遇見色魔,你又可以發揮你的"Positive thinking",咁即係一下就break his head with your bare hand。嘩哈哈﹗勁呀你﹗(If you think you can, you can!)
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/27/2008 10:48:00]
我又來一次positive thinking! 我想我這一生也不要遇到色魔﹗哈哈﹗