2008年9月26日 星期五


最近﹐我不斷為爵士舞努力﹐奔波﹗ 首先﹐我為我所任教的學校開辦了爵士舞的學會。我以為我有這方面的經驗﹐但是因為今次要合作的舞蹈老師和學生也很不同﹐所以當中是有一定的難度﹗而學校也給我一點點的壓力﹐因為這個學會是一個最小運作三年的學會﹐所以要確保有“承傳”﹐而收生也有一定的難度﹗ 幸虧我們終於收了二十位學生﹐真是感謝神﹗現在要面對的是兩個比賽﹐我期望同學們能取得舞台上的經驗﹗


2008年9月22日 星期一

Positive Thinking

Well!  My computer is not working very well and that's why I don't update anything in my blog!  Also, I have been very busy recently because of the new school term!!

Just before the new school year, we went to a two-day day camp.  During these two days, we learnt "Positive thinking"!  It promotes the idea of boosting everyone's confidence and self-esteem.  I was so impressed by it!

On the second day, we had to use our hand to hit a piece of wood.  At that time, I was frightened as my hands are not strong enough and I was not feeling well that day.  Later, I talked to myself, if I think I can, I can.  So, I prayed to the Lord to give me strength to do it.  I could not break it for the first time.  At the end, of course I managed to break the wood with my bare hand.  It's just like the trials in our daily life.  We face different challenges, obstacles and difficulties every day.  If we have faith in the Lord and do our best, we can eventually climb high mountains!

I also learnt how to think positively.  I always have pessimistic thinking and I try to change the values in my mind.  It's not an easy task but I hope I can think positively and be a cheerful person in the future. 

This year, I have to face a new class and until now, I find that most of them are willing to open their hearts when I try to get to know them.  It's a nice start for me!  Thx God!

2008年9月5日 星期五


我們第三天坐火車到泰安站﹐入住名為“新幹線列車站”的民宿。這是一間由四個火車廂組成的旅店﹐而站長是很有人情味的黃吉年先生。若你有興趣遊台中﹐不妨考慮這地方﹐因為同時間你可以 到附近的“中社觀光花市”﹐那裡的花海必能令你目不暇給﹗而且你也可以到大甲溪踏單車﹗




而中社觀光花市的網址是 www.flowerjs.com.tw